Here at Translate Gender, we advocate for self-determination through thoughtful self-education; we hope you will take advantage of the websites, organizations, and bibliographies provided below.

This page provides the framework for you to educate yourself not only about concerns specific to trans and/or gender nonconforming individuals, but broader concerns of oppression based on race, economic status, class, age, size, ability, citizenship, education, employment status, national origin, and religion.

This is a movement toward self-determination – we encourage you to find your space in it!

After reviewing the resources below, we also encourage you to check out our Books For All resource.

Pronoun Guide

Looking to learn more about pronouns? This is a 4-page resource to help you along your path to using gender affirming language for your family members, friends, and colleagues.


Here’s an awesome resource for learning more about some pride flags! This was created by our high school student fellow, Phoenix! These flags can be seen proudly displayed in our studio space.

Gender + Sexuality Focused


  • The Trevor Project (online/phone/text resource), is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25. For direct support, call 1-866-488-7386 (open 24/7)

  • Trans Lifeline (online/phone resource), provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one. Run by and for trans people. For direct support, call 1-877-565-8860 (open 24/7)

LGBTQ+ Rights

  • ACLU Massachusetts (American Civil Liberties Union) is one of the nation's foremost defenders of civil liberties and civil rights. Its mission is to defend and promote the fundamental principles and values embodied in the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, and the New York Constitution. Information on LGBTQ rights here.

  • GLSEN (national organization with local chapters), is an organization that envisions a future in which every child learns to respect and accept all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.

  • GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) Founded in 1978, GLAD works nationally to create a just society free of discrimination based on sexual orientation, HIV status, and gender identity and expression.

  • Lambda Legal is the largest legal organization in the United States. Since 1973, the staff has worked to secure civil rights for gays, lesbians and persons with HIV via education, public policy work and litigation.

  • LGBTQ Task Force is the country’s oldest national LGBTQ advocacy group.

  • Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth is an independent state agency that helps all youth thrive. Also home to the Safe Schools Program which provides free trainings throughout the state.

  • MassEquality is a Boston-based, state-wide organization that seeks to promote LGBTQ rights in Massachusetts.

  • National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: Transgender Civil Rights Project is the nation's oldest LGBTQ advocacy group. It provides legislative, policy and strategy assistance, including evaluation of legislative and policy language, to activists and organizations working to pass trans-inclusive or transgender-friendly laws and policies.

  • Sylvia Rivera Law Project (New York, NY) works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence.


  • Gender Spectrum offers resources to empower your relationships, work, and interactions with youth and children. From how-to guides, to respected research, to sample training materials, we provide you with the tools necessary to create gender inclusive environments in your homes, offices, and communities.

  • International Foundation for Gender Education (Waltham, MA), an organization that advocates for freedom of gender expression by promoting the understanding and acceptance of all people.

  • Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) is an advocacy, education, and community-building organization that works to end discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression. This includes working towards the empowerment of all persons who have been, are being, or might be deprived of equal rights and/or fair treatment because of their gender expression or identity.

  • National Center for Transgender Equality (Washington, DC), is an organization dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration and empowerment.

  • Transgender Law Center (San Francisco, CA), works with community members and allies to make California a state in which individuals can all fully and freely express their gender identities and expressions.

  • Transgender Law & Policy Institute (Brooklyn, NY), is a nonprofit dedicated to engaging in effective advocacy for transgender people in our society. TLPI brings experts and advocates together to work on law and policy initiatives designed to advance transgender equality.

  • The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (Minneapolis, MN), formerly known as the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Inc. (HBIGDA) is a professional organization devoted to the understanding and treatment of gender identity disorders.

  • Transgender At Work (online resource), is a project that serves as a focal point for addressing workplace issues for transgender individuals.

  • Trans Student Educational Resources is a youth-led organization dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans and gender nonconforming students through advocacy and empowerment. They are the creators of the Gender Unicorn among many other resource to use.

  • TransYouth Family Allies  is a resource for any person who identifies as an ally to a transgender, gender variant young person. Online resources available for family members, healthcare providers, educators, and more.

  • Trans Youth Equality Foundation provides education, advocacy, and support for transgender youth (ages 2-18), and their families. Our mission is to share information about the unique needs of this community, partnering with families, educators, and service providers to help foster a healthy, caring, and safe environment for all.

LGBTQ+ Youth

  • The Attic Youth Center (Philadelphia, PA), creates opportunities for LGBTQ youth to develop into healthy, independent, civic-minded adults within a safe and supportive community.

  • BAGLY (Boston, MA), The Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Youth provides weekly and monthly social activities and special events for people ages 22 and under.

  • Boston GLASS (Boston, MA), is a safe drop-in center for LGBTQ and questioning young people between the ages of 13 and 25.

  • Camp Aranu’tiq (NH) is a sleepaway camp for trans and nonbinary youth located in New Hampshire. It is operated by Harbor Camps, Inc., a nonprofit that runs camps for children and youth from marginalized populations.

  • Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE) is a national movement of children, youth, and adults with one or more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer parent(s). COLAGE unites these people into a network of peers and supports them as they nurture and empower each other to be skilled, self-confident and just leaders in our collective communities.

  • Commission for LGBTQ Youth | Safe Schools Program (MA), provides training and technical assistance relating to LGBTQ students and staff in public schools all across MA, including public preschools, charter schools, magnet schools, vocational/tech schools, and Chapter 766-approved special education schools.

  • Community Action of the Pioneer Valley | Youth Programs (Western MA) has a specific program called GenerationQ or “GenQ” that is a confidential educational and social/support group for LGBTQ+ youth and straight allies ages 14-21 as well as a middle school aged group.

  • Hetrick-Martin Institute (HMI) (New York, NY) provides free year-round programs and services for LGTBQ youth and allies ages 13-24 as well as families. HMI also partners with the Harvey Milk High School, a NYC DOE school, to provide HMHS students with in-school college counseling and access to all HMI programs and services.

  • House of Colors (program of Enlace de Familias) is a youth directed resource center for LGBTQ youth and their allies that fosters a safe and welcoming environment by promoting community and offering resources that meet the needs of its members.

  • Live Out Loud Youth Project (Program of 18 Degrees in Pittsfield, MA) A peer-led, adult-facilitated support group for LGBTQIA+ youth ages 12-18.

  • Out MetroWest (Wellesley, MA) builds communities where LGBTQ+ youth thrive.

  • Out Now (Springfield, MA) is Springfield's only queer youth organization with a political goal of building power among queer youth and centering Black femmes. Programs include a youth drop-in space, community theater, leadership development, and more.

 LGBTQ+ Elders

  • RetireGuide created an LGBTQ+ Elder Health Care Guide to connect the elders of the LGBTQ+ community to the resources and information necessary to help them find the care that they need.


  • Callen-Lorde Community Health Center (New York, NY), is New York City's only primary health care center dedicated to meeting the health care needs of the LGBT communities and people living with HIV/AIDS – regardless of any patient's ability to pay.

  • Fenway Community Health: Transgender Health Program (Boston, MA) provides primary medical and mental health care that is sensitive to the needs of people in the transgender spectrum.

  • The Mazzoni Center (Philadelphia, PA), provides quality comprehensive health and wellness services in an LGBT-focused environment, while preserving the dignity and improving the quality of life of the individuals it serves.

  • The National LGBT Health Education Center provides educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.

  • Transhealth (Northampton, MA) provides gender affirming medical and mental healthcare for transgender and gender-diverse people. Trans-led organization inspired by, and in service to, the community. Providing care to gender-diverse kids, adults, and families, and advancing care through research, education, and advocacy.

  • Transgender Health Empowerment, Inc. (Washington, DC), is an organization working to enhance health and quality of life for the transgender population.

  • Transbucket (online resource) is a website that acts as a health care and surgery resource for the entire online trans* community.

  • Healthy Trans (online), provides quality checked resources and original content for trans and nonbinary people about their health including appeal letters for transition, gender affirming medical intervention information, navigating insurance, and more.

  • Hudson’s FTM Resource Guide (online resource), is intended to provide information on topics of interest to female-to-male (FTM, F2M) trans men, and their friends and loved ones. Also provides information on grooming and clothing.

  • The Venture Out Project (Northeast), envisions a world where queer, trans, and LGBTQ+ youth and adults create community, develop leadership skills, and gain confidence through the shared experience of outdoor adventure and physical activity. From backpacking trips, to paddling adventures, to workshops run for and by the LGBTQ+ community.


  • DC Trans Coalition (Washington D.C.) is a volunteer, grassroots, community-based organization dedicated to fighting for human rights, dignity, and liberation for transgender, transsexual, and gender-diverse people in the District of Columbia.

  • GALAEI (Philadelphia, PA), is devoted to creating an awareness of the issues that affect Philadelphia’s Latino LGBT communities.

  • Georgia Equality (Georgia) is an organization committed to advancing fairness, safety, and opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities and their allies throughout the state.

  • Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (Boston, MA), is an advocacy, education and community-building organization dedicated to ending discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression.

  • Rainbow Heights Club (Brooklyn, NY), is the first and only government-funded support and advocacy program that provides direct services to LGBT mental health consumers in New York State.

  • The Stonewall Center at UMass-Amherst (Amherst, MA) provides support, advocacy, and programming for LGBT and allied students, staff, and faculty at UMass Amherst and for the larger Pioneer Valley.

  • TransFamily (Cleveland, OH), Support group for transgender and transexual people, their parents, partners, children, other family members, friends, and supportive others.


Annual Conferences

  • Creating Change Conference (location changes yearly) Organized by the National LGBTQ Task Force, this conference is a skills-building event for the LGBTQ community and allies.

  • First Event Transgender Conference (Boston, MA) Sponsored by the Tiffany Club of New England, First Event welcomes everyone from the Transgender Community and its supporters: crossdressers, transsexuals, intersex individuals, M2Fs, F2Ms, and their significant others.

  • Five College Queer Gender and Sexuality Conference (Amherst, MA) A conference created for college students by college students, covering a wide range of topics ranging from gender to sexuality to kink to non-monogamy.

  • Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference (Philadelphia, PA) Brings together transgender and gender-variant people, partners, allies, and healthcare providers for three days of workshops, keynotes, discussion, and networking.

  • Southern Comfort (Atlanta, GA) Annual conference for all members and allies of the Gender Community.

  • Transgender Leadership Summit (California) Sponsored by the Transgender Law Center, this leadership conference offers informative workshops on topics ranging from legal, health care, and organization development to political advocacy.

  • Translating Identity Conference (Burlington, VT) Free conference focusing on transgender communities and gender identities.


Religious / spiritual

  • Keshet (Boston, MA), an organization working for the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Jews in Jewish life.

  • TransTorah (online resource) helps people of all genders to fully access and transform Jewish tradition, and helps Jewish communities to be welcoming sanctuaries for people of all genders.

  • Dina's List (online resource) is a listserv for Orthodox Jewish trans people.

  • Transgender Muslim Support (online resource) offers trans Muslim people a place to explore resources, while honoring their faith.

  • Open and Affirming UCC (online resource) is a movement of more than 1,500 churches and other ministries in the United Church of Christ that welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) members.

  • Room for All (RFA) (online resource) aims to support, educate, and advocate for the welcome and full affirmation of people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions in the Reformed Church in America.

  • Welcoming Resources (online resource) has a searchable list of religious and spiritual places that are welcoming and affirming towards LGBTQ individuals. List is maintained by the National LGBTQ Task Force.

  • Gender Affirming Letter Access Project (online resource) - list of providers nationwide who are committed to providing free assessments and letters to trans an nonbinary people seeking gender affirming medical care. 

  • National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network (online resource) - is a healing justice organization committed to transforming mental health for queer and trans people of color (QTPoC). They have a nationwide directory of providers that is easily accessible.  


  • Compass (Boston, MA), is a New England female-to-male transgender support, information, and social group for people assigned female at birth who feel that is not an accurate or complete description of their gender.

  • FTM International (San Francisco, CA), is an online resource serving the Female-to-Male community, and organizing events worldwide.

  • The Renaissance Transgender Association, Inc. (Wayne, PA), provides support and information for transgender individuals: crossdressers, transvestites, transsexuals.

  • Transsexual Roadmap is an online, interactive "travel guide" to assist individuals in making informed purchasing decisions and in setting realistic, achievable transition goals.

  • Tri-Ess (multiple chapter locations), is an international social and support group for heterosexual crossdressers, their parents, the spouses of married crossdressers and their families.

  • The William Way Community Center (Philadelphia, PA), seeks to encourage, support, and advocate for the well-being and acceptance of sexual and gender minorities through service, recreational, educational, and cultural programming.

Non-Gender Focused


Mass Incarceration

  • Black and Pink (national organization) is a national prison abolitionist organization dedicated to abolishing the criminal punishment system and liberating LGBTQIA2S+ people and people living with HIV/AIDS who are affected by that system through advocacy, support, and organizing.

  • Critical Resistance (Oakland, CA and various chapters), is a grassroots organization committed to ending society’s use of prisons and policing as an answer to social problems.

  • The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC) works for a fair and effective U.S. criminal justice system by producing groundbreaking research to promote reforms in sentencing policy, address unjust racial disparities and practices, and to advocate for alternatives to incarceration.

  • Prison Book Program (Quincy, MA with national network) is a grassroots organization that exists for one purpose—to send free books to people who are currently incarcerated.

  • Vera - Institute of Justice (Brooklyn, NY) works with others who share vision of tackling the most pressing injustices of our day—from the causes and consequences of mass incarceration, racial disparities, and the loss of public trust in law enforcement, to the unmet needs of the vulnerable, the marginalized, and those harmed by crime and violence.



  • Black Lives Matter (national), is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

  • Black Radical Congress (St. Louis, MO), forging a Black Liberation Agenda for the 21st Century.

  • The Center for Third World Organizing (Oakland, CA), radical-justice organization led by people of color whose mission is to achieve social and economic justice.

  • Dismantle Collective (national), is an all person of color group whose goal is to name, disrupt, and dismantle white supremacy.

  • INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence (Redmond, WA) is a national activist organization of radical feminists of color advancing a movement to end violence against women of color and our communities through direct action, critical dialogue and grassroots organizing.

  • Racial Equity Tools (online), is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. Offering tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.

  • Shoppe Black (Philadelphia, PA) is a company founded by husband and wife team, Tony O. Lawson and Shantrelle P. Lewis creating and curating content related to Black owned businesses and Black culture across the African Diaspora.


Social Change

  • No More Deaths/No Más Muertes (Tucson, AZ), Organization whose mission is to end death and suffering on the U.S./Mexico border through civil initiative.

  • School of the Americas (SOA) Watch (Washington, DC), An independent organization that seeks to close the US Army School of the Americas, under whatever name it is called, through vigils and fasts, demonstrations and nonviolent protest, as well as media and legislative work.

  • Student/Farmworker Alliance (Immokalee, FL), A national network of students and youth organizing with farmworkers to eliminate sweatshop conditions and modern-day slavery in the fields.

  • United Students Against Sweatshops (Washington, DC), An international student movement of campuses and individual students fighting for sweatshop free labor conditions and workers’ rights.


Being an ally