Our partners are integral to the work we do. We can’t do it without them. Curious about our partners, read below to learn more. If you value the work we do at Translate Gender, or would like to join with us in a collaborative capacity — consider becoming a partner today.
Translate Gender would like to recognize the following FUNDERS for their support:
The Lenny Zakim Fund for awarding us general operating support to grow our work.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts for a capacity building grant, as well selecting us as a Jumpstart program participant.
SPIFFY Coalition for supporting our Trans Youth Action Team in Hampshire County.
The Collaborative for Education Services for their Redesigning Power Structures funding to ignite our re-visioning and strategic planning processes.
Mass Humanities, Mass Cultural Council, Emily List Fund, and Northampton Arts Council for support of co-ACT’s 2024-2025 season.
Pride In Our Workplace for their general operating support.
Railroad Street Youth Project for your partnership and funding of our Berkshire County initiatives.
And to other private family foundations that pledged their continued support of our work!
A special shoutout to the following partners for their support:
High Five Books for their creative vision and ongoing support with Affirmations: Trans Youth Book Club and summer pop-ups.
House of Colors, Community Action’s Gen Q Program, and Out Now for their ongoing collaboration for LGBTQIA+ youth programming throughout Western MA.
And to our other partners below for their ongoing support and care for our communities…
Become a Partner
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our collective members will get back to you.