Books for All - Recommended Books for Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Expansive People
Below is a LARGE list of books we love and we hope they will be helpful for you and your journey. There are a number of other resources providing great book lists to explore too. Other book lists we love include:
American Library Association: Embracing Gender Identities Book List
GLSEN: Rainbow Library Resource (which can also provide free books to schools)
Social Justice Books: Early Childhood - Learning About Gender Diversity
Easy reads and picture books (Prek & Elementary)
10,000 Dresses, Marcus Ewert & Rex Ray, 2008.
47,000 Beads, Koja Adeyoha & A. Adeyoha, 2017.
A House for Everyone: A Story to Help Children Learn about Gender Identity and Gender Expression, Jo Hirst & Naomi Bardoff, 2018.
Annie’s Plaid Shirt, Stacy B. Davis, 2015.
A Peacock Among Pigeons, Tyler Curry, 2015.
About Chris, Nina Benedetto, 2015.
All I Want to Be is Me, Phyllis Rothblatt, 2011.
Are You A Boy Or A Girl?, Sarah Savage, 2017.
Auntie Uncle: Drag Queen Hero, Ellie Royce, 2020.
Backwards Day, S. Bear Bergman, 2000.
Ballerino Nate, Kimberly B. Bradley, 2006.
Be Amazing: A History of Pride, D. Napaloes, 2020.
Benny’s True Colors, Norene Paulson, 2020.
Be Who You Are, Jennifer Carr, 2010.
Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope, Jodie Patterson, 2021.
BunnyBear, Andrea J. Lonely, 2017.
But, I’m Not a Boy, Katie Leone, 2015.
Call Me Max, Kyle Lukoff, 2019.
Call Me Tree Llamame Árbol, M. Gonzalez, 2014.
Elena’s Serenade, Campbell Geeslin, 2004.
From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea, Kai Cheng Thom, 2017.
Guthli Has Wings, Kanak Shashi, 2020.
Happy in Our Skin, Fran Manishki, 2015.
Hello, My Name is Octicorn, Justin Lowe, 2013.
He’s My Mom!: A Story for Children Who Have a Trans Parent or Relative, Sarah Savage, 2020.
Hooray, What A Day!/¡Viva,Qué Día!, Sunny Allis, 2020.
I am Jazz, Jessica Herthal & Jazz Jennings, 2014.
I’m Not a Girl: A Transgender Story, Maddox Lyons & J. Verdi, 2020.
Introducing Teddy, Jessica Walton, 2016.
It Feels Good to Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity, Theresa Thorn, 2019.
It’s Okay to be Different, Todd Parr, 2009.
Is It a Boy, Girl, or Both?, Megan Rohrer, 2016.
Jacob’s New Dress, Sarah & Ian Hoffman, 2015.
Jack (Not Jackie), Erica Silverman, 2018.
Jamie and Bubbie: A Book About People’s Pronouns, Maria Bogade, 2020.
Julian Is a Mermaid, Jessica Love, 2018.
Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World, Mildred Pitts Walter, 1948.
Kate and the Beanstalk, Mary P. Osborne, 2000.
Love, Z, Jessica Zima, 2018.
Max and Friends (Series), Kyle Lukoff, 2020.
Meet Polkadot, Talcott Broadhead, 2013.
Michael and Me, Margaret Baker-Street, 2014.
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress, Christine Baldacchino, 2014.
My Dad Thinks I’m a Boy?!: A Trans Positive Children’s Book, Sophie Labelle, 2020.
My Maddy, Gayle E. Pitman, 2020.
My Name Is Troy, Christian A’Xavier Lovehall, 2021.
My Princess Boy, Cheryl Kilodavis & Suzanne DeSimone, 2011.
Neither, Airlie Anderson, 2018.
Not Every Princess, Jeffrey Bone, 2013.
Oliver Button is a Sissy, Tomie dePaola, 1979.
One of A Kind / Único Como Yo, Laurin Mayeno, 2016.
Peanut Goes for the Gold, Jonathan Van Ness, 2020.
Perfect Square, Michael Hall, 2011.
Red: A Crayon’s Story, Michael Hall, 2015.
Sam is My Sister, Ashley Rhodes-Courter, 2021.
Sex Is a Funny Word: A Book about Bodies, Feelings, and YOU, Cory Silverberg, 2015.
Sparkle Boy, Lesléa Newman, 2017.
Sylvia and Marsha Start a Revolution: The Story of the Trans Women of Color Who Made LGBTQ+ History, Joy Michael Ellison, 2020.
The Adventures of Tulip, S. Bear Bergman, 2019.
The Answer, Rebecca Sugar, 2016.
The Boy and the Bindhi, Vivek Shraya, 2016.
The Boy in the Dress, David Walliams, 2008.
This Day in June, Gayle E. Pitman, 2014.
The Family Book, Todd Parr, 2006.
The Manny Files, Christian Burch, 2006.
The Name I Call Myself, Hasan Namir, 2016.
The Little Library, Margaret McNamara, 2021.
The Pronoun Book, Chris Ayala-Kronos & Melita Tirado, 2022
The Sissy Duckling, Harvey Fierstein, 2002.
Toby Wears a Tutu, Lori Starling, 2021.
Tomboy Trouble, Sharon Dennis Wyeth, 1998.
We Are Little Feminists: Families, Archaa Shrivastav, 2020.
What Are Your Words: A Book About Pronouns, Katherine Locke, 2021.
What Makes a Baby?, Cory Silverberg, 2013.
When Aidan Became a Brother, Kyle Lukoff, 2019.
When Kathy is Keith, Wallace Wong, Xlibris, 2013.
When Kayla was Kyle, Amy Fabrikant, 2013.
Who Are You? The Kid’s Guide to Gender Identity, Brooke Pessin-Whedbee, 2016.
Wild, Emily Hughes, 2013.
middle grade (Grades 4-8)
A Boy Named Queen, Sara Cassidy, 2016.
Another Kind, Trevor Beam, 2021.
Better Nate Than Never, Tim Federle, 2013.
Both Can Be True, Jules Machias, 2021.
Cattywampus, Ash Van Otterloo, 2020.
DeadEndia (Series), Hamish Steele, 2018.
Dodge City, Josh Trujillo, 2018.
Lily and Dunkin, Donna Gephart, 2016.
Gracefully Grayson, Ami Polonsky, 2016.
Growing Up Trans: In Our Own Words, Lindsay Herriot & Kate Fry, 2021.
Melissa, Alex Gino, 2015.
My Life as a Diamond, Jenny Manzer, 2018.
Not Your Sidekick, C.B. Lee, 2016.
Obie Is Man Enough, Schuyler Bailar, 2021.
Prince and the Dressmaker, Jen Wang, 2018.
Redwood and Ponytail, K.A. Holt, 2019.
Snapdragon, Kat Leyh, 2020.
Spin With Me, Ami Polonsky, 2021.
The Breakaways, Cathy G. Johnson, 2019.
The Deep & Dark Blue, Niki Smith, 2020.
The Derby Daredevils (Series), Kit Rosewater, 2019.
The Fabulous Zed Watson!, Basil and Kevin Silvester, 2021.
The Hammer of Thor, Rick Riordan, 2016.
The Moon Within, Aida Salazar, 2019.
The Pants Project, Cat Clarke, 2017.
The Prince & The Dressmaker, Jen Wang, 2018.
The Witch Boy, Molly Knox Osterag, 2017.
This Is Our Rainbow: 16 Stories of Her, Him, Them, and Us, Katherine Locke (Editor), 2021.
Zenobia July, Lisa Bunker, 2019.
99% Chance of Magic: Stories of Strength and Hope for Transgender Kids, Amy E. Heart, 2020.
High school / YOUNG ADULT (GRADES 9+)
Act Cool, Tobly McSmith, 2021.
Becoming a Visible Man, Jamison Green, 2004.
Being Emily, Rachel Gold, 2012.
Being Jazz, Jazz Jennings, 2016.
Between Perfect and Real, Ray Stoeve, 2021.
Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out, Susan Kuklin, 2015.
Black Flamingo, Dean Atta, 2019.
Birthday, Meredith Russo, 2019.
Boys Run the Riot (Series), Keito Gaku, 2020.
Cemetery Boys, Aiden Thomas, 2020.
Coming Out, Jaime Seba, 2010.
Cosmoknights, Hannah Templer, 2019.
Felix Ever After, Kacen Callendar, 2020.
Fence (Series), C.S. Pascat, 2017.
Freakboy, Kristin E. Clark, 2016.
Gracefully Grayson, Ami Polonsky, 2016.
Gender Queer: A Memoir, Maia Kobabe, 2019.
I Am J, Cris Beam, 2012.
If I Was Your Girl, Meredith Russo, 2018.
It’s Not My Favorite, Rue, 2014.
I Wish You All The Best, Mason Deaver, 2019.
Magical Boy, The Kao, 2022.
Mooncakes, Suzanne Walker, 2019.
On a Sunbeam, Tillie Walden, 2018.
Out of Salem, Hal Shrieve, 2019.
Parrotfish, Ellen Wittlinger, 2007.
Pet, akwaeke emezi, 2019.
Redefining Realness, Janet Mock, 2014.
Rethinking Normal, Katie Rain Hill, 2015.
Riding Freedom, Pam Munoz Ryan, 1999.
Run, Clarissa, Run, Rachel Eliason, 2012.
Sasha Masha, Agnes Borinsky, 2020.
She/He/They/Me: For the Sisters, Misters, and Binary Resisters, Robyn Ryle, 2019.
Some Assembly Required: The Not-So-Secret Life of a Transgender Teen, Arin Andrews, 2015.
Stage Dreams, Melanie Gillman, 2019.
Stay Gold, Tobly McSmith, 2020.
Symptoms of Being Human, Jeff Garvin, 2017.
Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir, Liz Prince, 2014.
The Art of Being Normal, Lisa Williamson, 2018.
The Backstagers, James Tynion IV, 2017.
The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, Tom Leger, 2012.
The Complications of T, Bey Deckard, 2015.
The Gender Quest Workbook: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults Exploring Gender Identity, Rylan Tests & Deborah Coolhart, 2015.
The Ghosts We Keep, Mason Deaver. 2021.
The Other Boy, M.G. Hennessey & Monster, 2016.
The Passing Playbook, I.Fitzsimmons, 2021.
The Witch King, H.E. Edgmon, 2021.
Tomorrow Will Be Different: Love, Loss, & The Fight for Trans Equality, Sarah McBride, 2019.
Too Bright to See, Kyle Lukoff, 2021.
Trans Teen Survival Guide, Fox Fisher, 2018.
Under the Shifting Stars, Alexandra Latos, 2020.
You Know, Sex: Bodies, Gender, Puberty, and Other Things, Cory Silverberg, 2022.
Books for Educators, Providers, & Caregivers
50 Ways of Saying Fabulous, Graeme Aitken, 2015
Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family, Amy Ellis Nutt, 2016.
Beyond the Gender Binary, Alok Vaid-Menon, 2020.
Circle of Change, Laney Cairo, 2016.
Helping Your Transgender Child, Irwin Krieger, 2011.
Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity, Andrew Solomon, 2012.
Found in Transition: A Mother’s Evolution During her Child’s Gender Change, Paria Hassouri, 2020.
Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy, GNC Children, Diane Ehrensaft, 2011.
Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation, Katie Bornstein, 2010.
How We Do Family: From Adoption to Trans Pregnancy, What We Learned about Love and LGBTQ Parenthood, Trystan Reese, 2021.
My Child is Transgender: 10 Tips for Parents of Adult Trans Children, Matt Kailey, 2012.
My Daughter He: Transitioning with our Transgender Children, Candace Waldron, 2014.
Principles of Transgender Medicine and Surgery, R. Ettner, S. Monstrey, & E. Coleman, 2016.
Rainbow Family Collection: Selecting and Using Children’s Books with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content, Jamie Campbell Naidoo, 2012.
Raising the Transgender Child: A Complete Guide for Parents, Families, & Caregivers, M. Angelo, 2016.
Raising Ryland. Hillary Whittington, 2016.
Second Son: Transitioning Toward My Destiny, Love, and Life, Ryan K. Sallans, 2012.
She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders, Jennifer Finney Boylan, 2013.
Stuck in the Middle With You: A Memoir of Parenting in Three Genders, Jennifer Finney Boylan, 2013.
The Bold World: A Memoir of Family and Transformation, Jodie Patterson, 2019.
The Gender Affirmative Model: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Supporting Transgender and Gender Expansive Children (Perspectives on Sexual Orientation and Diversity), Colt Keo-Myer (Editor), 2018.
The Gender Creative Child, Diane Ehrensaft 2016.
The Reflective Workbook for Parents and Families of Transgender and Non-Binary Children: Your Transition as Your Child Transitions Workbook, D.M. Maynard, 2020.
The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals, Brill & Pepper, 2008.
The Transgender Teen, Stephanie A. Brill & Lisa Kenney, 2016.
Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Trans Community, Laura Erickson-Schroth, 2015.
Transgender Children and Youth: Cultivating Pride and Joy with Families, Elijah C. Nealy, 2017.
Trans-kin: A Guide for Family & Friends of Transgender People, Cameron Whitley (Editor), 2012.
Transitions of the Heart: Stories of Love, Struggle, and Acceptance by Mothers of Transgender and Gender Variant Children, Rachel Pepper (Editor), 2012.
Trans/Portraits: Voices from Transgender Communities. Jackson Wright Shultz, 2015.
Transgender Family Law: A Guide to Effective Advocacy, Jennifer L. Levi, Ed., 2012.
Transgender History: The Roots of Today’s Revolution, Susan Stryker, 2017.
Transgender Transition: Quick Start Guidebook, Sky Logan, 2016.
Transitions of the Heart: Stories of Love, Struggle, and Acceptance by Mothers of Transgender and Gender Variant Children, Rachel Pepper, Ed., 2012.
Selected curriculum resources for educators
Gender Inclusive Sexual Health Education, AMAZE, 2021.
Gender Inclusive Lesson Plans for Science / Biology Classes, Gender Inclusive Biology, 2021.
Ready, Set, Respect: Elementary Toolkit, GLSEN, 2016.
Lesson Plans to Create Gender Expansive Classrooms, Welcoming Schools, 2021.